We finally converted Ellie's toddler bed to her "big girl" bed, but we are missing A LOT of bolts so for now, it's a mattress and box spring on the floor - WOW - mattresses are expensive. Did't think about having to get a "good mattress" for her. Thought I could run to Wal-Mart, Target, or Babies R Us for this purchase... No, No, No - not with this Daddy. Major research on "best mattresses for kids and off to a "real" mattress store for this child. She keeps asking where the end of her bed is... meaning the foot board. It's coming... just might be another year! P.S. I compromised on her bedding choice for now... I'm not overly a fan of character-themed bedrooms... We are settling on this beauty until we order her bedding. Probably also another year ... Until then, I will appreciate her choice :)
We are going to DISNEY WORLD - can't believe I typed this... Makes it real now (I can still back out until December 30). We are surprising Ellie for Christmas with a trip to Disney World in February. She has been asking for a year now, and we've told her it cost a lot of $$$ she has to save her money. She took us seriously and puts every penny she finds in her piggy bank. She also got some $$$ for her birthday. The piggy bank was full, so off to the bank we went for Ellie's first deposit for her Disney trip. She has no idea it's coming... Trying to figure out how to surprise her on Christmas day with this and hope it's not a let down that we aren't going now and there isn't much from Santa :/
We were able to love on my sweet niece and nephew some last weekend. Cannot believe they are 12 weeks old. They are super-sweet, and really laid-back babies. I admire my brother and SIL because they rarely seem stressed. They are on a great schedule of finally sleeping 9-10 hours at night and she is nursing BOTH babies. Can't wait to love on them some more during the holidays. Ellie is obsessed with them.
Thanksgiving Feast at Mount Paran... Again, we LOVE Ellie's schools (in case you didn't know that by now). So thankful this worked out for us this year. In love with the teachers, parents, new friends, curriculum, etc... Her punishment/threats at home usually are "you won't be able to go to school if..." Hope this continues for many, many years. The 3-year-old classes were pilgrims and Indians, and had a feast after a few songs. They had a full, Thanksgiving spread that day that most 3-year-old's didn't touch. Mine cried to "go home" with me after the program, and I was the sucker that went along with it. I have to remember that one day, she will not want to be near me...
Auburn/UGA - Wow - can we say that this game almost caused me to have a heart attack (as it did for every other AU Fan). We LOVED being in Auburn with family and friends and celebrating a much needed AU/UGA victory. So thankful my ADPi pledge class hosted a reunion tailgate. Great seeing everyone and catching up where we left off at Girls Weekend earlier this year... Ready to be with these girls in January :-) Ellie made it through a day of tailgating and the game... She was OUT by the time we made it home. She will not be at the AU/AL game as this one can't be any bigger than it was in 2010! Prayers (yes, for football).
A few randoms - I am slowly, but surely buying Ellie non-smocked/baby-ish clothes. This is hard for me... I am keeping holidays and church, but everyday/school is moving into more big girl clothes. We were introduced to Matilda Jane. We love it/hate it. Holy bank account... I love that it can mix and match, but they are very proud of their lines... I hope I was thrifty enough buying up a few sizes to wear as dresses now, shirts later. We'll see if this works out. I have heard that it re-sales great, but who are we kidding? I haven't sold a single piece of Ellie's clothes. Not sure what my plans are with all these boxes full of her clothes... We love having an Auburn couple close to us here with a little girl Ellie's age. They play great together and it makes fall, football Saturdays much more enjoyable for everyone! We've also filled our Saturdays with birthday parties and Mount Paran events.
Birthday Week - We celebrated this year with a Pancake and Pajama Party. It turned out great - weather, food, and friends! We did a morning party - which I loved because my entire house slept for 4 hours that afternoon :-) It was in advance of any football kick-offs which is what you plan around in the south. Ellie loves having friends over to her house. They played and ate pancakes and donuts. Thanks to my Dad and Jay for manning the griddles :) She was also Star Student at MP the week of her birthday. This means she had a "mystery reader" come everyday to surprise the class with a book and a treat. It was a lot of fun, and we were lucky to have both sets of grandparents join in on the fun. Both mornings they surprised her, they had actually spent the night the night before w/o her knowing... She was in shock both times they arrived :) Pure joy and happiness for all.
Halloween with Friends - Since Ellie's birthday falls on Halloween, she is into using "Trick or Treat and It's my Birthday" to get a little more candy out of the neighbors... We did our usual get together with neighborhood friends and were happy to have my parents in town to help with the festivities :) This year Ellie wanted to be a princess - surprise, surprise, and picked the new Disney Junior princess - Sofia the First.
Donuts with Daddy - please read her "about my Daddy" stuff - hilarious - I love these!
School Picture - not a huge fan, but it will do... This was the morning after she'd been sick for a week and then I caught something that morning. I literally threw a dress on her, didn't bathe her, and put a bow in. Sent her to school by Jay only to realize around noon that it was Picture Day...
The rest of random pictures with friends (and one of daddy/daughter date night which happens twice a week).
Wow - hope that catches everyone (or the few) that still read this... I promise (shouldn't write that) to blog about Thanksgiving. Very special time for us as 2 years ago we lost our precious Melissa / MeMe. Some days it seems like yesterday and other days I feel like it's been so much longer... I honestly think about her every day and usually when I am running. That is my time to escape for a little bit and think, pray, talk. I find myself still wanting to call her to tell her "Ellie" stories, or ask for advice on some recipe. It's still hard, but I have to remind myself that our life here is not what's important. She is celebrating, and happy, and at peace in Heaven. My goal and promise was to keep her with us, especially for Ellie. Ellie constantly talks about her "MeMe in Heaven" and colors her pictures, asks when she is coming back, if she is playing with Jesus (and her fish Ariel)! Thanksgiving is a time of family, fun, fellowship, and football, but also a time of sadness for us. I know she is with us and celebrates each milestone we reach as a family, but some days I do wish she was here with us... Love you Melissa!