Where did the month of May go? I feel like I blinked and it's almost June! We've been enjoying hanging out at home the last few weeks, and enjoying the outside as much as possible.
Ellie is talking more and more, and picks up new words daily. We need to REALLY be careful what we say because she is starting to repeat. She loves calling for Momma and Dada every morning until we come get her out of her bed. She is such a sweet toddler, and loves giving hugs and kisses to anyone.
We are continuing with gymnastics, and plan to start swim lessons in June!

Love this little pony tail

Her favorites right now are:
Sesame Street
Micky Mouse Clubhouse
Being outside
Bath Time
Still eating and sleeping great! Hope this continues!
What else is going on in our world?
-House is for sale
This is a HUGE and exciting project. We are hopeful for a buyer and have plans to build down the road.
-Baby Cousin Cameron arrived! He is a tiny, little thing and we can't wait to get back down to Andalusia to hold and love on him.

-Loving our new friends and new Sunday School class
-Continuing to pray for MeMe as she continues her treatments

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks...
Coloring with MeMe

Showing Pap her shoes

Driving with Dada

Coloring with Sophie

Uh Oh - Sorry Momma

OUT, but not letting go of my baby's hand