I braved a flight and trip to Texas to see my best friend from Auburn, and meet her sweet, NON-CRYING baby girl. Katie (other best friend from Auburn) who is pregnant joined us too! We had such a good time, and I fall more in love with Texas every time I am out there (it helps that Larkin is the best hostess too). We were on the go, but also had time to relax and enjoy each other's company too.
I was a nervous wreck before our trip hoping and praying Ellie would behave on the flight. I think I was on everyone's prayer list and THANKS AGAIN because it worked!We sat beside the nicest man on our way out there and he and Ellie got in a good nap. She fell asleep as the plane was taking off, and I had to wake her up when we landed. She traveled great in her car seat-turned-stroller thanks to the handy, dandy toddler traveler strap! She also did great on the flight home thanks to our traveling DVD player and stickers!
Waiting for our flight with Elmo and Mickey

Lifesaver all weekend

Once we arrived, we enjoyed great Texas food, drinks, and friendship all weekend.
Our night out without the children - Thank you for babysitters!

First night of Mexican

Meeting Lindsey and Nash for lunch

Hope this is not in our future

Ellie's goodie bag from Aunt Larkin

Kisses from Mason

Love this miniature couch

Ellie rediscovered the jumperoo

Yes, that's Pregnant Katie running with Ellie - not me!

Ready for some fun in the sun

Ellie and Sarah Mitchell pictures (can't wait to see these two grow up together - and Harrison when he arrives)

Petting Zoo - she was obsessed with the animals and the Cattle Drive

Ft. Worth Children's Museum

Meltdown #1

We had two major meltdowns while in Texas. I think it was a combination of traveling, being in a new place, and the spicy food (as diapers were not fun). She can almost do me in (and did one time) with her temper tantrums. I know we are in for a long ride as we are not quite at the terrible twos. Pray for all of us! She has met Mr. Spank Spoon much earlier than I thought she would.
I cannot tell you how good Sarah Mitchell (Larkin's little one) is. She might be the best baby I have ever been around. She did not cry one time while we were out there... She sleeps, eats, and travels great. I hope Ellie's temper tantrums didn't rub off on her after we left. She (and Larkin) may be scarred for life! Katie - get ready!

And what's a girls weekend without matching pajamas???