Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflux + Rice Cereal = RESTFUL NIGHT!!!

Hallelujah! Ellie slept last night from midnight until 6:30 a.m. The uninterrupted sleep was amazing. We gave her the rice cereal with her 11 p.m. bottle, and then put her down at midnight. She didn't spit up at all this time.

We've been rocking her to sleep, but wanted to be able to put her down awake and have her put herself to sleep... so we tried crying it out last night, and it worked too! We put her down at midnight, and told ourselves we'd give her 15 minutes before checking on her. She cried for about 10 minutes (the pitiful cry and I teared up listening to her), stopped for a few minutes, and then cried another couple of minutes before being out! We now have a mobile, and she seems to like it (thank you MeMe) so that may be helping.

Thanks for your sweet comments... It seems like more babies have reflux than not and most are on the medication. We are supposed to check-in with our DR next week, and we'll probably go with the medicine if the spit up is still happening. Our DR mentioned Zantac, but I know there are other options. Is one better than the other? How do you know which one will work? Are these medications all liquid?

Thanks again!


  1. Hey Kate!

    Sophia was diagnosed with Reflux when I switched pediatrican and I am so glad I found out! She is on Axid and it works wonders. It comes in a liquid and she loves to take it. Good luck with everything...I promise it will all work itself out soon and more sleep is on the way!

  2. They usually start with Zantac, it is the cheapest too, but it did not work for either of mine. Kate was on Prilosec liquid and it was great. We had different insurance with Blake, so Prilosec was too expensive, so we went with Prevacid Solutabs, and they were great too. I knew they worked because if I forgot a dose or two, they were spitting up all over again. They made for much happier babies. I am glad the rice cereal worked!

  3. Yay, Kate! That is wonderful. Sleep is such a gift. You are such a great mama!

  4. I am glad everyone got some rest. Jameson was on a liquid medicine - I think Zantac. It really seemed to help.

  5. Hey Kate- Landon had reflux too and he was put on Zantac and it did absolutely nothing for him. I couldn't tell a difference at all and felt so bad for him because it was horrible tasting. If I were you I would go with a different medicine.

    Ellie is so adorable and hopefully the cereal will do the trick for her.

