We had a great weekend celebrating my 29th birthday... I can't believe the countdown is now on for the big 3 - 0! We celebrated ALL weekend and spent a lot of family time together. I couldn't have asked for anything more. We grabbed quick dinner on Friday at a local Mexican restaurant and caught up on some DVRed shows. Saturday we shopped, and then went out for dinner and dessert. Jay surprised me with dinner at the Sundial (one of my favorite restaurants in Atlanta). It has been closed for renovations and we were there for opening night! We then went to Cafe Intermezzo for coffee and dessert. It was our first time there, and we LOVED it. We promised ourselves to go back once a month. Ellie stayed with a babysitter and had a great night too. Yesterday was a low key day gearing up for my first full week back at work. We finished off the weekend at Provino's Italian for my FREE birthday dinner.
Thank you for all your calls, emails, messages, and cards! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family and group of friends.
Jay also surprised me with a Wine of the Month club, and a Ski Trip in March! We can't wait... That will be Ellie's first time on a plane... already nervous I will have the screaming baby :-)
This little booger played all weekend on her play mat!

Glad you had a great birthday, sorry I forgot to ask on the phone!! Lucky, a ski trip.