We are celebrating Ellie's 9 month birthday at the beach - just kidding... It just happened to fall during our beach trip. I had Jay snap a few pictures with his camera phone before we left so we'd have the same, consistent bear picture! Ellie is turning into more of a toddler and so much less of a baby these days. It is absolutely amazing watching her learn so many new things. She is so funny, and has such a sweet, sweet personality. I can't believe we are 3 months away from her 1st birthday!
9 month stats:
-Weight = 16.9 pounds - 10th percentile
-Height = 26 1/2 inches - 25th percentile
-Head = don't remember but 90th percentile
She dropped from the 50th to the 10th in weight this time by only gaining 1 pound in 3 months... I was shocked because all her friends her age are around 19 - 20 pounds. The doctor wasn't concerned, and said since she is such a busy-body that she would probably be small... Must take after her Daddy on the weight chart! Mom was able to take in a lot of her 9 month clothes because they are all too big. She is still fitting into all of her 6 month clothes perfectly.
What she is up to these days:
-CRAWLING all over the place
-Pulling up
-Saying "Da Da Da Da" - no "Ma Ma" yet
-2 bottom teeth, and 2-4 more coming in on the top
-Trying juice from a sippy cup
-4 6-7 oz bottles a day (still pumping - the countdown in on...)
-Eating 3 solids a day
-sleeping 10 - 12 hours per night
-usually 2 1-2 hour naps a day
-LOVES all food except spinach with potatoes
-Has developed separation anxiety if she is away from me or Jay
Other pictures over the last month:
Waiting for my breakfast

My favorite thing to do... mess with my sister


Milk Face

Riding the bulldozer with my Daddy

Just found your blog. loved looking at your pictures. You are blessed with a gorgeous little girl. So cute!
ReplyDeletejust thought i'd say hi before going off to reading some more