2 months away from the 1st birthday!!! I love this age and stage with Ellie. She has such a sweet personality and LOVES to be on the go - just like her Momma and Daddy! I think she may have a touch of her Daddy's ADD. She will not sleep longer than 30 minutes at school. On the weekends (at home), she goes down for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. I guess at school there is too much going on and she's afraid she'll miss something!
Weekend with Pop and MiMi

What Ellie's up to now...
-Walking with anything she can push around the room
-Crawling until she can get to something to pull up on
-Saying Ma Ma, Da Da, Na Na, and Ba Ba
-Says something that resembles "thank you" if you say it to her
-First boo boo - fell on the payment pushing her firetruck
-COMPLETELY on formula - So excited to be done nursing/pumping
-Eating snacks - puffs, yogurt melts, peas
-Drinking out of a sippy cup
-Meals - 4 bottles (7 oz) and 3 main meals
-Sleeps 12 hours most nights (except on weekends when we are out later)
-Gives hugs
-Loves being outside
-6 teeth (possibly some more starting to come through)
-Adores Sophie (and any other dog)

Can Peter please come inside to play?


Watching the Braves

Helping with the dishes

New post below!
She's getting so BIG!! We would LOVE to see y'all this weekend! Call me!!