I cannot believe my last post was about Halloween (and I think I was late on that one). Wow. What a crazy, and fast fall we are having. I need to catch everyone up on Ellie Mae. She is literally all over the place these days. She started walking so early, so running is her preference now. People constantly are asking me how old she is because she is so small, but so mobile. She is still on the small side with her weight - 18 pounds. We went ahead and turned her car seat around (I know - bad mom but we are all traveling better now), and are hoping she'll fill up on lots of turkey during Thanksgiving to hit the 20 pound mark soon!
She LOVES regular food and whole milk. She eats anything and everything. I love that about her and hope that will continue. I know it could stop at anytime. I would love to be off baby food, but I don't cook enough during the week to send her to school with real food. That is one of my resolutions for the new year ;-)
She is sleeping great at night, and napping great when she's home with us. She usually takes a 2-hour morning nap, and 1-hour afternoon nap. When she is at school, she sleeps for 1 hour max the whole day.
She loves her cozy coupe car she got for her birthday, and LOVES all types of balls.

She loves being outside and "playing" with the neighborhood boys. They are so, so sweet to her. We were at the beach this weekend and we found out that she loves the slide.

She can throw major temper tantrums at the drop of a hat.
She says bye and waves if you leave the room, or pick up her diaper bag. She says DaDa and MaMaMaMaMa.
She knows who Sophie is and will look for her. She is OBSESSED with Sophie and falls all over her all the time (thank you for a patient dog).

She's been to several Auburn games this season. I wouldn't say these would be a favorite time for her (or me). Maybe next year she'll enjoy them!

Helping with the dishes

Look at my cute Auburn outfit from my Aunt Kelly via SlagsRags!

I am hoping to get back on my regular blogging schedule soon! I am counting down the days to our slower time at work.