***Pictures to come later***
I celebrated my big 30th birthday ALL WEEKEND LONG, and Ellie celebrated 15 months yesterday! I wouldn't say this was the best weekend for us as Ellie is battling a double ear infection, but we were still able to eat some great food and celebrate with some great friends!
Friday night Jay surprised me with a trip to New York Prime in Atlanta. If you love steak as much as I do, then treat yourself to NY Prime! What an awesome meal. I wish I had pictures, but I didn't think it was appropriate to pull out my camera at this restaurant! We ended the night with coffee and dessert at our favorite place, Cafe Intermezzo.
Saturday we enjoyed the beautiful weather with a trip to the park with Ellie, and lunch at Marlow's (another favorite of mine). We were able to get away again Saturday night for Jay's show at Hard Rock Cafe! I came home with my neighbors only to find out I had Jay's keys... Lucky me got to drive back to Hard Rock at 2 a.m. and then back home again. We were all in bed by 3:30 a.m., and Ellie was up at 5 a.m. Jay let me sleep in and even cooked breakfast before we traded Ellie shifts!
Sunday Ellie was extremely fussy and we knew she wasn't feeling good. She had started coughing Friday night and was uncomfortable both nights. Sunday night was the worst... We may have gotten 2 - 3 hours of sleep. She was crying most of the night and we knew we were in for a trip to see Dr. Royal. Luckily, her 15 month appointment was scheduled for Monday.
We found out she has a double ear infection and is now on a healthy does of antibiotics. We stayed home yesterday to all get some much needed rest, and are hoping this ear infection clears up quickly! This is her second one this month. She was sick Thursday night (I won't go into the details but EVERYTHING in her room, bathroom, and our bathroom had to be majorly cleaned), and we thought it was something she ate. The doctor said it was probably her being dizzy and off balance from the ear infection. You learn something new everyday!
She is progressing along nicely, and finally weighs 20 pounds! She is very tall for 15 months and seems to have Jay's build (lucky for her). Dr. Royal was very pleased with her developmental progress (makes us proud). She'll go back again next week for check-up and her 15 month shots.
Weight - 20 pounds (20th percentile)
Height - 31 inches (70th percentile)
Head - 95th percentile
What she's up to now!
-Gives kisses, hugs, and pats your back while hugging you (so sweet)
-Says MaMa, DaDa, Daddy, Sissy (for Sophie), ba (for ball), Uh Oh, Hey, Alright, Wyatt (according to her teachers at school... Wyatt is her BFF at school)
-Points to objects, people, and body parts (light, bed, nose, belly button, ear, mouth, Sophie, DaDa, ball, sippy cups, book, grandparents)
-Loves to look at and read books now
-Loves to get her shoes and socks on
-Loves to climb the stairs
-Loves to be outside (even when it's FREEZING)
-Loves anything to do with balls, Mickey Mouse, make-up, and shoes
-Loves tormenting Sophie
-Loves sitting in your lap to watch cartoons
-Off all bottles
-Eats all big people food (and lots of it)
-OBSESSED with blueberries
-Sleeps 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. (unless she's sick)
-Naps - not the best - usually 1 - 1 hour nap at school; 2 - 1 hour naps at home
Last night we ended my birthday weekend with dinner at Provino's! This is a tradition for me because you eat FREE on your birthday! All I can say is YUMMO! I fell in love with this place in Auburn, and am so happy there is one down the road here. The butter balls (rolls) and salad are the best! Now, it's time for a major diet before summer arrives!
We are so blessed with a happy, and healthy little girl! I am excited what's in store for my 30's... it's the new 20's, right?