Excuse the quality of these pictures... they were all taken with an I Phone
Ellie loves investigating new areas of the house... especially MiMi's silver drawer!

Ellie enjoyed playing at MiMi's office while I was at the baby shower

Laughing at MiMi

Ready to go!

Yay! Daddy is coming home today!

Sweet girl is ready for church

She screamed when I dropped her off, but was having cookies when I returned... and got a sucker from cousin Millie

I am SURE this contributed to our NOT SO PLEASANT ride home... I thought I would be smart and leave before Ellie's afternoon nap. Little did I know that she would SCREAM from Odenville to Oxford... If you are not familiar with that distance, it was over an hour. She then passed out for all of 20 minutes before screaming again from the GA line until we pulled into the drive way. Yes, another hour... I threatened to drop her off on the side of the road. We did make a pit stop because I thought she might be hungry. Instead, she fed Sophie her chicken nuggets and FF.
New trick of the week... getting her arms out of the carseat straps. Guess I need to tighten them!
Oh. My. Word! She's looking so grown up!! Beautiful girl. Miss you.