Ellie is really into reading, cooking in her kitchen, waving at everyone she sees, blowing kisses, pointing out her body parts, Mel-Mo (Elmo), and Mickey Mouse. She is also into a phase of copying what I do (i.e. putting on make-up and putting her hair in a hair towel). She is in a mommy attachment phase this week. It can be exhausting when I depend on Jay to do so much with her, and this week she wants only mommy. I know it could change at any time and I should be thankful she wants to be held, rocked, and loved on so much right now.
I have to get some video on here of her "chore" at home. She is now feeding Sophie in the mornings and at night. She loves it. She copies exactly what we do, and it's hilarious. She likes it so much, she wants to feed her more often than Sophie needs to eat. I found her the other day with her hands in Sophie's food container outside and feeding Sophie piece by piece from her hand.
Pictures from the last few weeks...
Confused about the seasons?

Cooking for Mel-Mo

Look at those curls... One reason I am not ready to cut her hair

Loves drinking out of our cups

This is how Jay found her one afternoon watching Sesame Street

St. Patrick's Day

Drawing for Sophie

2 funny things about this picture... 1. the pacifier... she never takes one, but likes to play with them and it's upside down 2. look how tall this child is

Putting on her make-up with me one morning

Reading with Daddy

Just like her Mommy... Loves cheese dip