Ellie did great in the car there and back... This has not always been the case, but I think she is finally getting used to the fact that her car seat is her second home. We have figured out a plan on the DVD's by switching them often. Elmo and Mickey are still favorites. We soaked up a lot of MiMi and Pap time.
Jay was home working all weekend... I came home last night to a SPOTLESS house! He cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned while we were gone and I was SO happy! I was not looking forward to cleaning on my day off today! What a great husband!
Don't have a picture from their shower, but this is from Ellie's Birthday! I cannot tell you how excited I am for this wedding. Ashley will be officially joining our family this summer. She is the sweetest, most amazing woman for my brother. She immediately fit perfectly into our family (despite her allegiance to Alabama). I am so looking forward to having another girl in the Patterson family!

Playing all weekend with Mimi and Pop

Celebrating Millie's 2nd Birthday... Her name is not Millie Pete, but that is what Jay and I call her. This is the most active child I have ever seen. She is always on the go climbing, jumping, doing something she is not supposed to be doing. She was (and still is) so tiny - just like her Mommy. She is 7 months older than Ellie, and Ellie is bigger than she is. Ellie found her tea set, and played with it most of the day.

And this baby is T.I.R.E.D

OUT leaving the birthday party...

Awwww, love the family pic! Millie looks just like her Daddy!! So sweet. We miss and love y'all!!