I apologize for my lack of posting lately. Work has been much busier than normal with student appointments so that leaves little time for blogging! We've been swimming a lot this summer to stay cool. Ellie started swim lessons and is now in the Frog class. This means she is w/o me, which make me happy! She is loving the water, and seems to have no fear. I am amazed at how much they learn at this age. She is also "trying out" the toddler class at school for July. She'll move up mid-August, but there was some room so we thought we'd give it a try. We are in our third day, and are hoping for good news this afternoon. The major difference is sleeping on mats for naps versus the crib. Day 1 we struck out, and Day 2 was successful. Let's hope Day 3 brings at least a little bit of a nap. We are also struggling with biting. Any helpful ideas on what to do? I know most kids go through this at some point, but it doesn't make it easier hearing/knowing that. I hate that she is hurting someone else. She's had her fair share of bites, so you'd think she'd know not to do it. She doesn't bite at home, only at school. She bit me once, and I bit her back. They won't bite back at school. They do talk to them and remove them from the situation, but it's hard to discipline her once she is home. Oh, the joys of parenthood!
Chapel Knoll (Lake place with Church)
Hanging with neighbors
Celebrating the 4th with MeMe and Pap
Swim Lessons
Playing at the Park
WOW! She looks so GROWN with those pig tails! I'm dying to see y'all. Love and miss you!