Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring Break

I can't believe it's already April.  I am so ready for warmer weather and spring clothes.  I am sick of Ellie's winter stuff but every week we are pulling something out "warm" with our crazy warm then cold days!  

We had a great Spring Break taking advantage of all Atlanta has to offer with a trip to the Zoo, Children's Museum, The Varsity,  Bowling, and Champion Kids!  It was a full week of fun.  

Ellie had a Daddy-Daughter weekend and first part of the week while it traveled for work.  I was ready to be back home and in my own bed!  Hoping to make it for a week-long college tour in June while being 33 weeks pregnant.  We will see as we get closer if that really happens!

Nothing to report on Henderson Girl #2...  We have purchased furniture but still thinking of names, etc...  This pregnancy has been so easy (knock on wood) so praying everything continues...  16 weeks to go!

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