I have joined the blogging world again, and actually have something to blog about now. Our family is growing... We are expecting our first miracle November 9th! We are so excited about God's plan for our lives. We had our first ultrasound April 2nd and were able to see our precious miracle and see the heartbeat. We go back again on Monday for our next ultrasound. Please keep our growing family in your prayers. I hope to update friends and family on our journey through this blog.
I have been feeling great. No sickness yet, but I keep waiting for it to hit. I have been extremely tired, but that's about it. There are no belly shots yet either... I make Jay take one each week, but haven't seen a change yet. I know it will be here before I know it.
The day we found out... March 4th

We told my family with Sophie's t-shirt
We told Jay's family with Turner's onesie

Love the pajamas!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, so I just left a LONG comment on my blog in response to your comment... but I should have left it here, but I'm too lazy to type it again so go there and see it. Love you.