We are a couple days late on our 3 week post... I guess that happens when a 3 week old rules your world! We are actually on our first of many road trips. Ellie is visiting with her MeMe and Pap in Andalusia for a few days. Jay had to do some work in south Alabama so we loaded up and headed down with him. We will be traveling a lot as a family, so why not introduce Ellie early to extended time in her car seat.
Ellie is growing and now weighs 8 pounds 4 ounces. She is starting to settle into some sort of a routine (hope this doesn't jinx us) with just an early morning feeding around 5 a.m. She is sleeping for about 5 hours during the night which works for us! We'll be excited when she drops the 5 a.m. feeding - but it works for now! She is so much more awake and has given us a few smiles. She definitely has her Daddy's temper (smile) and will let you know when she is not happy. She has a set of lungs that drives Sophie crazy.
Going to Dinner

Bath Time

Napping in my Moses Basket

Back to the road trip - We over packed and barely had enough room for us to sit. I never thought we'd pack the Tahoe full of baby stuff with a 3 week old. I figured the over packing would start when she was older and needed toys to entertain her. Oh, I was wrong!
The typical 4 hour trip to Andalusia ended up being a 7 1/2 hour trip from hell. We headed out Sunday afternoon in the hopes to stop off in Auburn (visit with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jonathan), feed Ellie, grab dinner at one of the many places we crave while in Atlanta, and then get back on the road. We were set back a little late on leaving, and unfortunately had a blow out in Newnan (we were pulling trailer for Jay's business). We decided to drop the trailer and head to Walmart for a new tire. The Walmart trip took much longer than expected and Ellie ended up eating in the Walmart Tire and Lube drive-thru... Hey - when a crying baby is hungry and you are the food source, you do what you have to do! The 2-hour set back caused us to skip the Auburn stop. We were back on the road and made it to Montgomery before Ellie decided she was hungry again. We were not in the best part of Montgomery at this time and decided the McDonald's parking lot seemed safe. When we were finished feeding, we were changing her diaper when she decided to have a BLOW OUT across the back seat and ALL OVER me! Yes, baby poop all over me from Montgomery to Andalusia = not fun. Sophie was not amused with our humor, and got to sit in the front seat the rest of the way.

Ellie had a fun-filled day on Monday with visiting with family. We were excited to have these few days with family we typically only see for Christmas (not Thanksgiving). We are heading to Auburn for Thanksgiving and the AU/AL game, and then heading to Birmingham for the weekend for Thanksgiving with my family! Ellie seems to have adjusted just fine with her new sleeping arrangements (Moses Basket).
Visiting with MeMe's family at Harold's Furniture

We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for our little miracle and can't wait for family and friends to meet her this week!
She is so precious!
ReplyDeletePlease do come by and see us this week. We'll be here! Can't wait for Bo and Ellie to meet. Love you.