October 31, 2009
5:55 p.m.
7 pounds 2 ounces
21 3/4 inches
Ellie's Birth Story - LONG POST
I have gone back and forth on posting Ellie's birth story. I had my 6 week appointment last week, and as I was recounting it to the doctor and realized it is something I would like to share, and put in writing to remember. I have loved reading other blogs and hearing about their birth stories, but didn't know if others would enjoy reading our birth story. We have been asked about it several times, so here it is!
It was a completely different experience than we imagined. We had not put a lot of thought into the actual birth process. Why? I don't know... Maybe because we thought it would go like our other friends, or maybe because I was scared out of my mind about the whole birthing process.
Background on the pregnancy - At our 20 week ultrasound, it was determined that I had velamentous cord insertion. (you can read more if you are interested) Our doctor explained that the cord was attached to the side of the placenta instead of the middle. This meant Ellie's growth could be compromised and we would be monitored closely to make sure everything was processing as it should... Good news was we'd have multiple ultrasounds, so we'd get to see her more often! At our 24 and 28 week ultrasound everything was processing as it should, and she actually was a little ahead. At our 30 week ultrasound, our doctor explained I would begin twice a week appointments until Ellie's birth due to being "high risk". WHAT? High risk? Those words had NEVER been used? I broke down at this point... (I was in the busiest part of my work travel season, not sleeping, and worried about this insertion thing so the poor doctor got to see and hear my breakdown). Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a big planner and love to have everything scheduled. Well twice a week appointments were not in "my" plan, and definitely threw a wrinkle in my visit/college fair schedule. I was quickly reminded that "my" plan is not perfect, and Ellie and myself were more important than visiting high schools! This is when it is great to have an amazing boss, coworkers, husband, and family.
We began our twice a week appointments with Mondays as our Nonstress Test days, and Thursdays as our BPP days. After our Monday appointments, we'd meet with the doctor to discuss the NST, and BPP results. Each week, we received a good report!
Wednesday, October 28 - went to GP for flu test due to temperature and flu-like symptoms. Was given Tamiflu since the flu test would take 10 days.
Thursday, October 29 - Fever gone, and feeling much better. We went in for our regularly scheduled BPP. We had pretty much memorized the ultrasound techs spiel b/c we'd been so many times. When she got to my fluid check, she didn't say her normal "Fluid looks good", instead she said, "we are going to check your fluid again". Her next words were "You are going to see a doctor today". I responded with "Oh, we don't see a doctor on Thursdays, only Mondays". And she responded, "you get a free pass today... Your fluid is low". I don't think Jay and I said many words between that point and the doctor entering the room. Our doctor told us my fluid was low, and it was time to head to the hospital. I was going to be induced! She explained it would be a long process b/c my body was not ready to have this baby. I was not dilated, nor effaced. We told her about my potential flu, and she was convinced it was not the flu and to discontinue with the Tamiflu and Amoxicillian.
Heading to the hospital

(Meanwhile my dad is in the hospital recovering from surgery... again "my" plan and timing was not important)
Thursday night they started the induction process...

Friday morning - I was checked for any overnight progress (NONE), but continued with the induction process. I was contracting on my own, and they actually had to slow my contractions down. These were not painful enough for an epidural just yet... Ellie was closely monitored and she looked great.
Thank goodness for family

Friday afternoon - I was checked and had dilated a fingertip. They ended the pitocin for the day and would start the process again Saturday morning.
Note - Saturday would be Halloween. I had said from the beginning of this pregnancy that I would NOT have a Halloween baby... Again - I am reminded that "my" plan is not perfect.
Before the contractions began...

Saturday morning - I was checked and had dilated 1 cm! They broke my water at 9 a.m. to hopefully help with the process. At noon, I received my epidural and was checked again - 1 1/2 cm. Slowly making progress... The epidural and my body didn't agree much. I had the shakes. My contractions continued and Ellie continued to look great on the monitor.
Saturday afternoon - I told the nurse and my family that I wasn't feeling good. They checked my temperature and it was around 99 - 100. Ellie's heart rate had also started to go up a little. They reassured me that everything was fine, and they'd let me know if they were worried. I was checked again and had dilated to 2 cm! The next couple of hours are a little blurry... My temperature continued to rise (even though I was given several antibiotics), and Ellie's heart rate continued to rise too. By 5 p.m. - my doctor informed me that I needed a C-Section due to my temperature (103), and Ellie's heart rate (200's).
Suiting up

Waiting to meet Ellie

I never thought I would have to have a C-Section. I had not done any research on a C-Section, and definitely felt out of control. I was worried on so many levels. Am I in trouble? Is Ellie in trouble? This is surgery and I have never had surgery... Would I still be able to breastfeed? What about the recovery? I had so many questions/fears, but not a lot of choice. Once the C-Section was determined, my room turned into doctor/nurse central. There were many people in there all doing different things to prepare me. I think that was part of the scare b/c you don't know exactly what is going on... We prayed non-stop until Ellie arrived. I like to be in control (if you can't tell), and this was something completely out of my control. I knew I was in good hands, and prayed God would take care of Ellie and me.
Ellie was born at 5:55 p.m. and came into this world screaming! I had prepared myself not to hear her cry b/c of everything else that had gone on. The NICU team was waiting for her while the doctors examined my cord insertion, and placentas (yes, plural b/c it was determined I had an accessory placenta (extra one). NICU cleaned Ellie up, and she was given to Jay within a few minutes. Everything looked great.
One of her first pictures

First family picture

There it is... Ellie's first few hours into the world! She amazes us each day. We are loving every minute with her (even those hard sleepless nights)!
Loved finally getting to read the story! She is absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this Kate. I know exactly how it feels to feel like you are not in control at all. But, it is so comforting to know that we don't have to be in control! :) She is so precious. I can't wait to meet her.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this, even though I got to hear it in person! I'm glad you shared with everyone. And you are so right.... it's not our perfect plan, but God's. You are a great mom, and Ellie is lucky to have you. And you look beautiful, even during the c-section! Love you.