When do babies get into a routine? PLEASE tell me it's soon, or this Henderson household will be an only child family! The last few weeks have been rough, and now I know what people mean by not getting any sleep. Ellie was on some sort of a routine until we left for a week for Thanksgiving. She's been off since we got back. I will probably get her back to some sort of a routine, and then we'll leave for Christmas!
Last night was good but Saturday night was a different story... Her routine seems to be good night, bad night, good night, bad night. We put her down at 10:45 p.m. and she slept until 4:00 a.m.! Thank you Lord! However, Saturday night she fussed from 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. and wanted to feed every 30 - 45 minutes. She didn't want anything to do with her swing, bed, play mat, or bouncer. I could get her to sleep in my arms, put her down, and she'd be okay for 5 minutes before screaming. I am hoping to figure this out soon, but it's so hard not to know exactly what to do.
What we've been up to...
Visiting Santa for the first time - We waited in the freezing cold to see Santa on the Square. Ellie was nice and warm in her stroller, Jay and I froze! She didn't want much to do with Santa b/c it was close to feeding time, but it's the novelty of having a picture with Santa for the first Christmas!

Who is more irritated????

Slept in her room for the first time - Jay needed 8 hours of consecutive sleep for a band gig so we put her in her crib for the first time Friday night and she seemed to not know the difference. I think we'll continue to try this. It's not much different walking down the hall to feed her versus in our room - plus, I get to use the comfortable chair in her room!
Spent the night with cousin Turner - My dad has been in and out of the hospital, so we went over for HOPEFULLY his last surgery. Ellie spent the afternoon/evening with her cousin Turner. Thanks to Kelly for watching, feeding, holding, and loving on Ellie.
Smiles - Ellie has started to respond to me with a few smiles when I talk to her! This makes the fussy nights all disappear (for a few minutes)! She had given us the gas smiles for a week or so, but now when I talk to her - she smiles and it does melt your heart!
Sophie responds to her cries - I had Ellie on my bed with Sophie, and she started getting upset. I walked back in the room to find Sophie laying right next to her. Last night I was on my own for the night, and Ellie was crying in her room (while I was holding her). Sophie came in and laid under my feet by the recliner. So sweet. I knew she'd be a great big sister!

Christmas Shopping and Out to Eat - Ellie is a great traveler and has been on several Christmas shopping outings with us. I don't understand some people... We went to dinner Friday night and Ellie stayed in her car seat asleep while we were waiting... You get the usual new baby comments "Oh, how sweet" "How old is he/she?" "What's her name" - But one of the hostesses leaned down, took Ellie's pacifier, and tried to PUT IT IN HER MOUTH! Are you kidding me? What makes someone think that is okay - a complete stranger? I didn't know how to respond, so I just responded "She's fine... She is sleeping". I couldn't believe it.
We are doing a little traveling this week, but they will be day trips! We head to Birmingham tomorrow for Ellie to see MiMi and Pop. We are Pop will be feeling better today, and hopefully heading home early from the hospital. We are heading to Auburn on Friday where Ellie will be introduced to her Mom's favorite place, Big Blue Bagel! YUMMO!
Thanks for all the prayers for my Dad over the last couple of months. He is doing much better and should be home from the hosptial tomorrow!!!
Love this picture

Ellie seeing the tree for the first time

Holding her head up

Peace - See yall next week!

I love the pics of Ellie and Sophie and the peace sign picture. Have fun at Big Blue Bagel - it is so good.
Hey Kate! I stumbled upon your blog... I promise it gets better! We still have rough nights if we have been out of town for awhile. I don't think we were on a true "schedule" until around 8 weeks or so. Hang in there...I know it is easier said than done, but I promise it will pass! Love the blog and keeping up with you! Shealy
ReplyDeleteHey Kate--I know you don't know me, but I went to high school with Jay and found your blog from some of our other high school friends. Ellie is a doll!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to comment on the schedule thing--I had to go back to work when Porter was 8 weeks old, so I tried to start getting him on a schedule at about 5 weeks. It wasn't very successful to begin with, but by about 8 weeks, it was much better. We went from being in a range of an hour or two, to being right on time for things. Just stick to your routine and she'll get it. (I think having a regular bedtime routine, especially bathtime really made a difference.) And I agree with you on the smiling thing--it is so much more rewarding when they start interacting.
She is such a doll. Looking forward to seeing you all again, and soon I hope!