Ellie had her 1 month check up today and she is growing like a weed. She weighed 9lbs 6oz (50th percentile) and was still 21 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). The doctor also got to experience one of her temper tantrums! She is typically good during the days, and not so great at night ;-) We had finally gotten her calmed down, and almost asleep when they gave her a shot which fired her up again! Wow - this child can scream! The tantrum actually showed the doctor something we had a question about...
We were talking with the doctor about her night routine which involves us putting her down after her feeding only to get her back up every 5 minutes b/c she screams. The doctor seems to think it is colic. The doctor gave us a few different things to do before her late night feeding to see if anything helps. Any ideas of what to do? She seems only content when we are holding her. We've tried Gripe Water, Mylicon, a bath, white noise, swaddling, bottle feeding instead of breastfeeding, the list goes on... She is able to put herself to sleep all day except the last feeding. It usually results in us getting up multiple times for sometimes up to an hour or more. She has had a few nights where she sleeps 5 hours between night feedings, but those have been rare.
Feeling good


Next month will be torture with multiple shots...
Could she not just sleep with Sophie?? She looks pretty content in that pic below. :-) Poor thing. Hope it all gets worked out soon. Colic is NO FUN. Hang in there. She'll grow out of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a month already??? I thought I just saw all the hospital pictures on facebook yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAs far as colic, there were certain foods that I would eat that I noticed would bother Porter, and I had to stay away from those while I was nursing. But sometimes they just don't sleep and like to scream! Hopefully she will grow out of it. Mine is a little over a year now and is still not the best sleeper.
Anyway, she's beautiful!!! And they're so much fun!