I can't believe Ellie is 2 months old. She is so much more alert now. She smiles all the time, and recognizes Jay and me. She giggles in her sleep and it's so funny. She has found her hands, and tries to suck her thumb. She loves her bouncy seat, and hates tummy time. She is doing okay of the sleep front... some nights she'll sleep 7 - 8 hours, and other nights she goes back to the 3 - 4 hours.
We are going to attempt a schedule again starting Sunday night. We re-read Babywise and are hoping to settle into a routine before I return to work.
Ellie also had her first non-relative babysitter Friday night! She was pretty fussy, so I am hoping she'll babysit again!
Sleeping after her shots

No more pictures Mom

We are looking forward to an exciting 2010!
precious Ellie :) she is a living doll! don't worry Addison HATES tummy time too. I haven't talked ot one mom whose child liked it!