She looks scared in the picture (Jay was rushing me)
This sweet angel is 4 months old! She is definitely developing a personality and I am absolutely in love with this angel. She goes to the DR on Friday for shots, so I will update then about her weight and height.
It's getting harder and harder to get these pictures because she loves to touch the bear and usually ends up falling into him...

She hasn't had the best week in the sleep department. I don't think (sleep deprived)she went longer than 6 or 7 hours this week. She has been waking up around 4 - 5 a.m. to eat again. Last night she was up at 2:30, 5, and 6:30. We think she had a stomach ache... I have heard there is a 4 month growth spurt. We'll see how long it lasts.
She had a great day yesterday. We (Ellie and I) went to a Kids Sale and used the Baby Bjorn for the first time. She seemed to like it because she could look at everything and everyone. We then spent the day OUTSIDE at an Atlanta event. I thought we might be the only people with a baby, but we saw a ton of strollers. Everyone had the same idea... get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. I didn't take any pictures :-( Ellie is definitely a people watcher. I think she'd be content all day looking around at people (just like me)!
She hasn't rolled over again. She seems content just hanging out on her back on her playmat. She only lasts a few minutes at a time in her exersaucer. I think she is still a little too small for it. She still loves her bouncy seat, and stays in that in the mornings while we are getting ready for the day. I think we are nearing a time to put the swing away. She has to be REALLY tired to enjoy it now. She is trying hard to pull herself forward when she is in your lap. She likes to sit up straight instead of leaned back on your chest. She also loves to stand in your lap.
Watching Baby Einstein with my daddy

Mom, enough pictures I am watching my video

She had her first "accident" at daycare this week. On Fridays, she is in the next class up because they don't have enough for an infant room. The babies in this room are 9 months - 18 months old. I don't love that she's in there, because I know this age can be a little rough (w/o meaning to be). When I picked her up on Friday, I found out that a child had bit Ellie. Yes, bit her on the head. She was fine, but of course it makes your heart hurt that something like this happened. She had 2 red spots where the child bit her, but was fine and now they are gone. I don't know that we have a solution. I know things like this are going to happen. Jay and I both work on Fridays, so we can't keep her home on those days. I wish I could find someone to watch her on Fridays because I am not comfortable with her being in that classroom. We LOVE her daycare, but wish she was with her age everyday!
Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weather! Have a good week!
Should we send Hank to deal with that biter?? I mean it! That breaks my heart. Wish y'all lived closer so I could watch her... at least then you know when Hank bites her, I would beat the stew out of him for it! :-) Love you.