Last night sure reminded me of those sleepless newborn nights... Ellie went down around 9 p.m. and we were UP at 11 p.m., 12 a.m., 2:30 a.m., 4 a.m., and 6:30 a.m. She is getting over an ear infection, but the sleepless nights have been going on for 6 weeks now! We've tried crying it out, feeding, just changing her diaper, swaddling, not swaddling, sleeping on her stomach, etc... She will only sleep great in our bed, and I refuse to put her there! I pray this ends soon! My prayers do include "Please Lord, let Ellie sleep through the night" every.single.night...
Sorry to hear. And sorry to tell you that Hank was the exact same way... and he still is! Yep, 2 1/2 and the boy rarely sleeps through the night. Now, he doesn't always scream anymore, but he still wakes up and come to our bed and then will ask for a drink, etc. And I'm sure we could lock him in his room and let him scream all night, but for me, it's all about survival, and with four others to worry about him waking up, I just throw him in the bed with us and go back to sleep. Sorry, girlie! It could just be that she's not a good sleeper, without there being a real reason. To that I say, just pray for your next one to sleep like Bo does! :-) Love you! Hope you get a good nap in!
ReplyDeleteKate, I agree with your friend Holly, Landon doesn't always sleep through the night either and he is almost 3 1/2. However, if she is getting over an ear infection they may still be infected. That is exactly how my kids are. The infection may not be gone. I hope you get some good sleep soon. She is very cute (if that helps any). Good luck.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with the other 2, and actually, candi and I have had these same discussions about porter. Sorry you are having to join our club. Porter did not sleep well at. All from 3-6 months, and then he was better for a few months. But, thenhe was back to his restless self and we are still there. He is much better since he got tubes in his ears, but it always seems to be something--right now it's cutting molars. Who knows when it will change!!! Hang in there and know you are not alone, and it doesn't have anything to do with what you are or aren't doing. Sometimes they just don't sleep well. BTW, I love love love her picture at the top of the page.