We started out by projectile vomiting in the car on the way to school. I was stuck in traffic and could only see and hear what was taking place in the back seat. We made it to school which turned into a bath in the sink with hand soap, and a change of clothes. I wish I had a picture of the outfit from school... She looked like a fraternity boy - polo shirt and cords. Hilarious. I ran home to clean the car, car seat, and wash her outfit.
We headed back to the school to celebrate her birthday with her class with mini cupcakes. The tears started as soon as we walked in the door and didn't end. We had another uh-oh that consisted of Ellie touching her candle. I know - Mom of the Year!
We got home to play outside which turned into a disaster because of her lack of nap. She fell a couple of times and the last time was a doozie. Her face met the pavement and the pavement won.
We decided it was bath time and bedtime. We didn't end our day without smashing our thumb in the toilet seat... Oh what a day! So glad today is Friday!!! More on big birthday and Halloween later!

Ahhhh, memories ;-)