One of the big perks of my job, GREAT vacation! I love that we are off for two full weeks during the Holidays. It gives us time to hang out as a family and spend time with both sides of our family! I have been looking forward to December since Ellie was born (probably before she was born) because I was looking forward to dressing her in Holiday attire! This child had a different outfit for almost every day in December... Sad thing is it will be over in a couple of days!
My favorite snack - Cheez its!

Under MiMi's tree

Playing at the mall
Look at this belly (and belly button)
Playing with the dogs

Waiting on Uncle Joel and Aunt Molly
My typical morning... Cartoons in my cozy coupe
This is the face you get if you tell her "NO"
Waiting to meet Santa
Not a fan of Santa...
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
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