Maybe I needed this to get me to do a new post! Not much going on between 16 - 19 weeks... I will put another after this one!
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Had a staff retreat for work in Auburn.
2. Went for a walk with Sophie and Jay
3. Had delicious breakfast casserole
4. Had BBQ House for lunch! YUMMO!
5. Found out two friends are having BOYS (due around the same time as me)
6. Caught up with an old friend
7. Had people finally tell me they could tell I was preggo!
8. Didn't sleep well... hope this isn't how it is for the next 20 weeks...
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Go to the beach for the summer
2. Know what this baby is TODAY
3. Not be a worrier...
4. Find baby bedding that I love
5. Enjoy the next 20 weeks and not wish them away to quickly
6. Have my family closer to me in Atlanta
7. Have more consistent quiet times (agree with Kelly on this one)
8. Make Sophie not shed
8 Shows I Watch (just 8?)
1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette
2. Jon and Kate Plus 8
3. NBC Nightly News
4. FOX 5 News
5. Baby Story
6. Bringing Home Baby
7. Sometimes Oprah
8. Sometimes Dateline
8 Favorite Foods (right now)
1. Nachos (from the gas station) I know... this is gross
2. Milo's when we are in AL
3. Fruit
4. Potato Chips
5. Chicken Salad
6. Baked Potato Pizza from Stevie B's
7. Bacon Biscuits with extra bacon from McDonald's
8. Glazed Doughnuts (KK) or Cin/Sugar Doughnuts (DD)
8 Places I Have Traveled
1. St. Lucia
2. Hawaii
3. Canada
4. LA (on the way to Hawaii)
5. Chicago (one of my favorites)
6. Colorado
7. New Orleans
8. Napa Valley, CA
8 Places I Would Like to Travel
1. Europe - we were planning a trip until we found out we were preggo
2. Australia
3. The beach more often
4. New York - never been
5. Any of the St. islands (Thomas, Bart's, etc...)
6. Las Vegas - never been
7. Birmingham - to see my family and friends - we'll be there next weekend!
8. Napa Valley again
8 People I Tag
Okay, so you know you love reading these so I tag: Holly, Lindsey B., Larkin, Kiera, Melissa, Susan, Emily E., and Lynlee