This sweet baby girl is 11 weeks old! I can't believe next week I will be blogging about my 3 month old. Whew - time does fly. We've had some great times in the last 3 months, and some not so great times. She has truly made our life so much sweeter. I thank the Lord everyday that he blessed us with this sweet angel.
This morning after 10 1/2 hours of sleep

We are still not on any type of "schedule" or "routine". "WE" are all sleeping at least 8 hours a night and last night was another 10 1/2 hour night!!! I think we are going to start the bedtime routine earlier so she wakes up before 9 or 10 a.m.!
She enjoys playing on her mat, but still hates tummy time... Sophie is always close behind while Ellie is on the floor, or in her bouncy seat

We have a big weekend coming up. Ellie will be staying with her MeMe, Pap, Aunt Kelly, and Uncle Jonathan for the weekend. I will be heading to our annual Girls Weekend with the best friends a girl could ask for. Jay will be heading out of town for a 2 night band gig. I am looking forward to spending some much needed time with my best friends, but also a little nervous about leaving her for the weekend. (She will only be across town in Auburn, but I am making myself not visit unless it's an emergency ;-) I can do this! She will be in the best care, and spoiled rotten when I return.
Other pictures from this week...
Love being on my changing table

And how could you not resist kissing that sweet face

She is BEAUTIFUL Kate!!! I was nervous to leave Addison the 1st time. But it will all be ok :)