Now that it's spring, we are on the road most weekends for festivals, concerts, etc... with Jay's ATM business. The fun part is the people watching and good ol' fair food! Who doesn't love a hot, greasy funnel cake??? This past weekend we ventured down to the Sweet Onion Festival in Vidalia, GA! Wow - the people watching was at a premium! That might have been my favorite part of the trip (other than the funnel cakes). And we couldn't leave without something with an onion on it... (this was the cutest onion thing I could find... I was not into the onion earrings - I am serious - or necklaces)!

Ellie is enjoying being on her tummy much more these days. She is trying so hard to get up on all fours. Here are a few shots in her pack and play. They told us today at daycare she did a little army crawl... It will be here before we know it and I am not rushing the mobile stage.

She can sit-up by herself, but I am still a little hesitant to leave her unless she is on a soft surface. She face planted on the kitchen counter and had a little bruise on her cheek...

And we also pulled out the jumperoo! She is in love with jumping! We put her in her exersaucer this morning and she was trying to jump...

She is still enjoying her videos on the laptop or TV. We also purchased a DVD player for the car since we'll be spending LOTS of time there this spring and summer!

Cute onesie!

I love her expression inthe first photo. Miss you guys!