In 4 short months, we'll be wishing this precious baby girl a Happy FIRST Birthday. Wow. I really can't get over how fast the months are flying by for us. I feel like the pregnancy (especially during the summer months) just trickled by. I told someone the other day that I feel like every time I look up, another week is gone. I am enjoying every day with Ellie and learning more about her sweet and funny personality. She makes us laugh with her facial expressions, giggles, noises, etc...
Things going on right now:
Teeth - one is in and one is just now poking through
Trying to pull up or stand
Not crawling
Can throw temper tantrums
Copies you if you say BA BA BA BA
Claps if you say "Yea Ellie!"
LOVES her videos
Taking good naps and sleeping 10 - 12 hours a night
Loves her exersaucer, walker, and bumbo seat
Loves being outside
Loves the neighborhood boys
Loves giggling at Sophie
Loves loud noises - thinks they are funny
Recognizes Mommy and Daddy and gets excited when she sees us
Still nursing... counting down the days...
Takes 4 - 5 bottles a day (6 oz)
Eats 3 solids a day (Prunes are a favorite - gag)
Still in size 2 diapers
Favorite toys are the remote, cell phone, lint brush, magazines, my make-up, and empty water bottles (glad we have all the expensive toys that sit here unused...)
See my tooth!

Not sure how much she weighs right now... We are guessing between 16 - 17 pounds. The moms in her class comment that she is small, but I think she is pretty average.
More posts to come...
Ellie is too cute!