We had Ellie's 4 month check-up today. She actually did MUCH better this time with the shots. We fed her between her appointment, and when the nurse came in to do the shots. Don't get me wrong, she didn't love it (who does), but we all survived! She was out like a light on the way home and slept for 3 hours!
She is growing so fast! Her percentiles were:
Weight - 13 pounds 2 ounces (40 - 50th percentile)
Height - 24 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
Head - 43 cm (90th percentile)
This child has a big head for her sweet little body! Kelly and I joked that it must be a Henderson thing b/c Turner was the same way! Dr. Royal gave us the go ahead to start rice cereal by spoon, and a veggie in the next week or so. We are PRAYING that her waking up the last 2 weeks is due to hunger and this will get her back on her 9 - 10 hours a night!
Here are a few pictures from the visit...
Waiting to see Dr. Royal

Before my shots

Hanging out on my mat

update on me - Thanks so much for all your comments, calls, messages, etc... It's really great to have a blogosphere (is that a word) of friends! I do have a very mild case. It's about the same, my eye is a little worse. I think that is just b/c it's not blinking like my left eye. I am a little self conscious going out in public, but realize this is something so small. I know others have MUCH LARGER problems than I do, and I am thankful it's not worse. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for, and know I will get through this!