Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Restful Weekend
I hope I am not jinxing myself... Ellie has been sleeping GREAT the last week and especially great over the weekend. She slept for 11 hours Friday night and 12 hours Saturday night AND took great naps both days! MUCH needed sleep for me too! I pray this continues. Sleep makes such a difference for her, and me ;-)
We met precious Timothy Harrison last week, and he is such a sweet baby! Can't wait to see him and his mommy again soon!

Jay was out of town this weekend, so we loaded up and headed to spend some time with my family. We did absolutely nothing all weekend which was so nice. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Hanging out with MiMi and my cousins - Eli and Gavin

My new bathtub


Heading to church

Reading the paper
We met precious Timothy Harrison last week, and he is such a sweet baby! Can't wait to see him and his mommy again soon!

Jay was out of town this weekend, so we loaded up and headed to spend some time with my family. We did absolutely nothing all weekend which was so nice. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Hanging out with MiMi and my cousins - Eli and Gavin

My new bathtub


Heading to church

Reading the paper

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hanging out and Relaxing!

We had a pretty low key weekend and week so far... Ellie has been giving us some GREAT sleep (for her - 10 hours)! We are not getting our hopes up, but we'll take it when we can get it. She has been so happy and smiley this week too. I am loving this stage because she recognizes us, and gives us the biggest smile every morning. Such sweet moments. I feel myself wanting time to SLOW down. I feel like it's rushing by and makes me sad to think she's almost 7 months old. I am still nursing, and pumping. People are constantly asking me how much longer I am going to do it. The answer is I really don't know. I honestly didn't think I would last this long. I told Jay he should work for the La Leche League because he is such a breastfeeding fan. He did a lot of research before Ellie arrived and even went to a breastfeeding class with me. When they talk about needing a supportive partner so that you'll make it through breastfeeding, they aren't kidding. I probably would have given up a couple of times if it wasn't for Jay encouraging me to keep going.
Hanging out with my friend, Sawyer

I have started bootcamp 3 days a week at 6 a.m. This means getting up at 5 a.m. to pump, eating a quick breakfast, and heading out the door. The first week I thought my body was going to kill me. It hurt to sit down, roll over, walk, carry Ellie, etc... I stuck with it and we are in week 2 and feeling much better. I really do enjoy it, and it's by far the hardest work out I have ever done. This bootcamp is part of a CrossFit gym. Anyone that knows about CrossFit probably knows how hard and intense those workouts are. I like this workout because every day I feel a new area (or muscle group) that is sore which means I am working out something different each time! I am not as worried about the weight loss as just toning up - especially before bathing suit season - YIKES! I am thankful a friend in our neighborhood called me about joining. We both just had babies and knew we needed something besides walking to get us back on track!
In my boy pajamas

We are heading over to hang out with MiMi and Pop this weekend, and visiting with friends back home! I am so excited and LOVE being my family and close friends.
Love my rattle and bumbo - she'll sit on the table and look outside. She loves when Sophie is at the door!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mother's Day, Beach Trip, and Graduation
Caution: VERY long post with LOTS of pictures.
If I don't combine these posts, I am afraid I won't post for a while and then when I do this stuff will be old news!
I had a great first Mother's Day by celebrating at the beach! Ellie did a great job on her art work at daycare for me... She was so excited, she even held the picture for me! She also surprised me with sewing lessons! She (and her Daddy) knew if they didn't give me the lessons, I would never go! I am so blessed to have an incredible mother and mother in law! Love you both very much!

We spent a lot of time eating great seafood, enjoying the beautiful weather and water, and hanging out with MeMe and Pap.

First time in the pool. She loved splashing around and preferred the inside part b/c the sun was so bright! We figured out that the bumbo seat is a pretty good seat inside the water too!

I thought she might not like the beach that much with the sand, but I was wrong. Her favorite part was the sand. The ocean was still a little cold, but she did much better than I thought. I am glad her Daddy was ready to brave the water with her!

We also were able to watch Aunt Kelly graduate from Pharmacy School! We are so proud of her (we'll have to steal Kelly and Heath's family pictures). Ellie did enjoy playing with Turner. Turner wasn't too amused with Ellie...

If I don't combine these posts, I am afraid I won't post for a while and then when I do this stuff will be old news!
I had a great first Mother's Day by celebrating at the beach! Ellie did a great job on her art work at daycare for me... She was so excited, she even held the picture for me! She also surprised me with sewing lessons! She (and her Daddy) knew if they didn't give me the lessons, I would never go! I am so blessed to have an incredible mother and mother in law! Love you both very much!

We spent a lot of time eating great seafood, enjoying the beautiful weather and water, and hanging out with MeMe and Pap.

First time in the pool. She loved splashing around and preferred the inside part b/c the sun was so bright! We figured out that the bumbo seat is a pretty good seat inside the water too!

I thought she might not like the beach that much with the sand, but I was wrong. Her favorite part was the sand. The ocean was still a little cold, but she did much better than I thought. I am glad her Daddy was ready to brave the water with her!

We also were able to watch Aunt Kelly graduate from Pharmacy School! We are so proud of her (we'll have to steal Kelly and Heath's family pictures). Ellie did enjoy playing with Turner. Turner wasn't too amused with Ellie...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
6 months old!!!

Already? I can't believe Ellie is 6 months old. This time last year we were telling everyone our exciting news, and seeing her little sweet self on the ultrasound. She is a VERY ACTIVE 6 month old. She definitely keeps us busy. She is in constant need of attention and something to do. I often get asked if she stays home with me since I work from home... There is no way I would get anything done if she was here. I have had to keep her home a few times due to fever, and that puts me working at odd hours (usually when she's sleeping) because of how much attention she needs. She is good at entertaining herself on her mat, in the exersaucer, or in the jumperoo for about 15 minutes max. I find myself struggling with new things to do to keep her entertained.
6 month stats and things going on in Ellie-World:
Weight - 15.9 pounds - 50th percentile
Height - 25 1/2 inches - 50th percentile
Head - 43 cm - 90th percentile
Perfected rolling over - front to back and back to front
Sitting up very good, but still afraid to leave her by herself just yet
Loves putting her foot and toes in her mouth
Loves to squeal - loudly
Loves to jump - in the jumperoo, or your lap
Loves taking baths
Likes veggies more than fruits - Carrots and Sweet Potatoes are favorites
Trying hard to get up on all fours (not ready for crawling just yet)
I think we've come to the conclusion that sleep is just not something we are going to agree on... She has been a few times ALL DAY without a nap. On those days she doesn't get fussy, but I do! I am begging her to rub her eyes so I can nap! She has been consistently sleeping about 7 - 8 hours a night... I am so jealous of other moms out there when I hear that their babies are sleeping 12+ hours a night! She HATES going to sleep, but we are getting better on going down at night.

She can throw some MAJOR temper tantrums... I have no idea where she gets this (ha ha ha). We've decided all long car rides will be at night when she can sleep. If we travel during the day, she'll last about 2 1/2 hours max, and then the screaming begins and doesn't stop until she is out of her seat. It's not so bad with both of us in the car b/c one can crawl back there with her. It's bad when you are by yourself and stuck in Atlanta traffic. She can also out last me at night on the crying it out method... She's lasted for 2 hours before (with us checking on her). As soon as you go in there to pick her up, she smiles like ha ha - I won... Little stinker...

We were excited to be in Birmingham this weekend, and meet the newest Henderson family member - John Burke. He is so tiny, and seems so sweet. He was a little early, and decided to hang out in the hospital a few extra days. I can't wait to see him again soon.

We also showered Peyton Lakeman who will be arriving in July, and enjoyed some good friends. Ellie met Cooper Wade (who might be the best baby I have ever been around), during dinner with some friends.

We are headed to the beach for Mother's Day. I can't wait to relax a little, and introduce Ellie to the pool and sand. She loves her bath, so I am hoping the pool will be a big bath tub to her!
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