We are celebrating Ellie's 9 month birthday at the beach - just kidding... It just happened to fall during our beach trip. I had Jay snap a few pictures with his camera phone before we left so we'd have the same, consistent bear picture! Ellie is turning into more of a toddler and so much less of a baby these days. It is absolutely amazing watching her learn so many new things. She is so funny, and has such a sweet, sweet personality. I can't believe we are 3 months away from her 1st birthday!
9 month stats:
-Weight = 16.9 pounds - 10th percentile
-Height = 26 1/2 inches - 25th percentile
-Head = don't remember but 90th percentile
She dropped from the 50th to the 10th in weight this time by only gaining 1 pound in 3 months... I was shocked because all her friends her age are around 19 - 20 pounds. The doctor wasn't concerned, and said since she is such a busy-body that she would probably be small... Must take after her Daddy on the weight chart! Mom was able to take in a lot of her 9 month clothes because they are all too big. She is still fitting into all of her 6 month clothes perfectly.
What she is up to these days:
-CRAWLING all over the place
-Pulling up
-Saying "Da Da Da Da" - no "Ma Ma" yet
-2 bottom teeth, and 2-4 more coming in on the top
-Trying juice from a sippy cup
-4 6-7 oz bottles a day (still pumping - the countdown in on...)
-Eating 3 solids a day
-sleeping 10 - 12 hours per night
-usually 2 1-2 hour naps a day
-LOVES all food except spinach with potatoes
-Has developed separation anxiety if she is away from me or Jay
Other pictures over the last month:
Waiting for my breakfast

My favorite thing to do... mess with my sister


Milk Face

Riding the bulldozer with my Daddy