My hand stays in my mouth ALL DAY LONG
Well, we survived my two days back at work, and Ellie's Mother's Day Out! It was actually really nice to get back into the swing of things! I don't think Ellie minded one bit being at MDO. She had tons of women holding her, and loving on her for the two days. I was amazed at how much work I was able to get done. I had a college fair Tuesday night, and felt like I hadn't been away for the last 3 months. I am VERY THANKFUL for my wonderful co-worker, Allison. She recruits with me in GA, and handled everything while I was out. I didn't come back to very many emails, and ZERO counselor/parent/student issues! That definitely made the transition easier.
My schedule is not the typical 8 - 5 job... Sometimes I have day events, and sometimes I have night events. Luckily this spring I don't have many day and night events on the same day... that will be a different story in the fall. I am hoping to get in some hours during the day with Ellie if I have to be away at night. We are going to play our work schedules by ear, and are hoping it all works out!
We also had a great play date this week with Taylor. Allison (Taylor's mom) and I were due on the same day. Ellie came early, and Taylor came late - so they are about 2 weeks apart. She is such a sweet baby, and has a head full of beautiful hair. Thanks to Tori for hosting us!
Hanging out with Taylor

Meeting Grant and Tori (she loved Grant)

We had our 3 month reflux check-up this morning, and everything looks great. She has tolerated the Zantac just fine, and is pretty much past the fussiness. It really does make a HUGE difference. Our doctor considers Ellie a "happy spiter" meaning she spits up a TON, but doesn't seem to mind it... It's me that seems to mind ALL the spit up. Yesterday, we changed clothes FIVE times. It's lunchtime, and we are in our THIRD outfit. It's not just a little spit up after she eats. She eats, burps, and throws up (usually a puddle on the floor). We do use bibs and burp cloths, but it doesn't catch it all. She then will typically spit-up/throw-up during her wake time, and then after her nap (before her next feeding). Our doctor said as long as she is not fussy, and gaining weight there is really nothing we can do. We try to keep her upright at least 30 minutes after her feedings, and used a sleep positioner.
Weight was 12.5 pounds, which puts her in the 40th percentile for weight. They didn't do her height since this was a reflux check-up.
Ellie loves spending time on her play mat and has started to hit a few toys (probably by mistake as her hand is on the way to her mouth), and likes the music. She also loves her Leap Frog Caterpillar. She got this for Christmas and it has been a hit!
Love my Caterpillar

Playing on Grant's play mat (with Grant as Spider Man)